15 Month Checkup

She’s still just growing like a weed! And if you haven’t seen or heard her in awhile, she jabbers non-stop these days. She amazed us last night with a ‘2 word phrase.’ I came to get her out of the bathtub and she waved at Brandy and said, “Bye Momma.”

Last Friday she had her official 15 month checkup with Dr. Betty and here are her stats:

  • Weight: 25lbs
  • Height: 31in

She got a taste of the good stuff

See that little smile. It’s because she tasted Chicken Express. She loves the okra (like any self respecting southern woman), the corn nuggets and she rounded it off with some chicken. She also loves to use the fork. She can’t quite get the food on the fork, but she knows how to hold the fork and put it in her mouth. Then she grunts until you load it up again! If she ask for sweet tea I know my work is done.



Loop-Dee-Loo is now up and running

So Loop-Dee-Loo is the shop name for all my ribbon creations. I started making hair clips after Rylan was born with all that hair. The website will direct you to etsy.com a haven of handmade goods. Please take a look and support the artisans on etsy.com. You can click on http://www.loop-dee-loo.com to be directed to my store. If you are interested in any items and you are local and a friend just send me an email and we can arrange for local pick up.

Watch Me Grow

So Rylan has turned 1.  It is so bittersweet. She is no longer a baby, but a toddler. I’m getting very emotional here lately. I can’t believe the baby stage of our life is over. Here are a few pictures of her party for those interested in the details. Make sure you click on the picture to see more birthday fun!
