So the picture isn’t in focus, but you can see 2 of her teeth. She has 4 on the bottom and Dr. Betty says there are soon to be some up top. Here are the stats at 9 months 23lbs and 28 inches.
Author: Brandy
9 Months-Clapping and Standing
I mean technically he is correct.
So Gareth and Rylan love to take baths togther. The last body part we wash is our te te and bo bo. Gareth looks at Rylan and says “Mom Rylan doesn’t have a te te.” I said “well she has a girl te te.” He looks at her and then looks back at me and says “Mine’s bigger.”
Be Mine Valentine!
Pigtails-They are so 2009!
Won’t be able to call me 4 eyes anymore!
Feb 5th I’m going to have Lasik (thank you sweet hubby of mine). The lady said so your tired of being very nearsighted. Uh yeah, I’ve been with glasses since 7th grade. (when Mom thought I was faking just to get fake Sally Jesse glasses)
Big Week for Rylan
Is that a Deal?
“What do you want for dinner?”
So Gareth told me he was hungry as we were leaving school today. I told him we were going home and asked what he wanted to eat. He stopped at the door and looked at me and said “I don’t want to go home I want to go to Posados.” This was the first time Gareth specifically asked to go to Posados. He has such good taste.